• Размер: half-dozen.8 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 36

Описание презентации Презентация past tenses with answers по слайдам

  Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form.  Use Past Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form. Use Past Unproblematic, By Continuous and By Perfect.

 When mother (to come up) to the baby, he (to cry) because he (to lose) When mother (to come upward) to the baby, he (to weep) because he (to lose) his favourite toy. When mother came upward to the babe, he was crying because he had lost his favourite toy. Check

  When I (to see) Tom, he (to run) after a dog. Do you know, When I (to run across) Tom, he (to run) after a domestic dog. Practise you know, why? When I saw Tom, he was running subsequently a dog. Do you know, why? Bank check

  He (to run) after the dog because it (to steal) the sausages. He was He (to run) afterwards the dog considering it (to steal) the sausages. He was running after the dog because it had stolen the sausages. Check

  What a nice elephant you are carrying! Where you (to find) him? What a What a squeamish elephant you are carrying! Where you (to notice) him? What a nice elephant y'all are carrying! Where did yous find him? Check

  I (to find) him by a lake.  He (to lose) his way and I (to find) him by a lake. He (to lose) his way and (to look for) his female parent. I found him past a lake. He had lost his way and was looking for his female parent. Cheque

  It (to rain) when Jack (to leave) the house. It was raining when Jack Information technology (to pelting) when Jack (to leave) the business firm. It was raining when Jack left the business firm. Check

  When Jane (to leave) the house, the rain (to stop) and the sun (to When Jane (to leave) the house, the rain (to end) and the sun (to shine). When Jane left the house, the pelting had stopped and the sun was shining. Check

  What Bob (to do) at 8 o'clock yesterday? He (to wait) for Betty. What What Bob (to practice) at viii o'clock yesterday? He (to wait) for Betty. What was Bob doing at 8 o'clock yesterday? He was waiting for Betty. Cheque

  When Betty (to come),  Bob (to leave). When Betty came , Bob had When Betty (to come up), Bob (to leave). When Betty came , Bob had left. Check

 When I came home, the kitten (to play) with the ball which it (to find) When I came dwelling house, the kitten (to play) with the ball which it (to detect) nether the sofa. Check. When I came home, the kitten was playing with the ball which information technology had plant under the sofa.

 The boy couldn't go for a walk because he (not to do) his homework. The The boy couldn't go for a walk because he (not to practice) his homework. The boy couldn't go for a walk considering he hadn't done his homework. Cheque

 Mike had to run to school because he (to miss) the bus. Mike had to Mike had to run to school considering he (to miss) the bus. Mike had to run to schoolhouse because he had missed the bus. Check

  ' What Bob (to do) when you saw him? ' – 'He (to run) ' What Bob (to do) when you saw him? ' – 'He (to run) away considering the volcano eruption (to begin). Chaiten Volcano, Chile' What was Bob doing when you saw him? ' – 'He was running away because the volcano eruption had begun). Check

 When Sam (to come) to the café, his friends already (to have) lunch and (to When Sam (to come) to the café, his friends already (to take) lunch and (to talk). When Sam came to the café, his friends had already had lunch and were talking. Cheque

  Sam and Tim (to come) home early because they (not to catch) any fish. Sam and Tim (to come) home early considering they (not to catch) any fish. Sam and Tim came abode early because they hadn't caught whatever fish. Check

 Tom couldn't give me the book because he (not to read) it. He (to read) Tom couldn't give me the book considering he (non to read) it. He (to read) when I (to come up) to see him. Tom couldn't give me the book considering he hadn't read information technology. He was reading when I came to meet him. Check

  I saw Mark at the market. He (to sell) the pumpkins which he (to I saw Mark at the market. He (to sell) the pumpkins which he (to abound) in the garden. I saw Mark at the marketplace. He was selling the pumpkins which he had grown in the garden. Check

 When the sheriff (to see) the thief, he (to run) very fast because he (to When the sheriff (to see) the thief, he (to run) very fast because he (to rob) the bank. When the sheriff saw the thief, he was running very fast because he had robbed the bank. Cheque

 The dog (to catch) the criminal before the police (to arrive). The dog had caught The canis familiaris (to take hold of) the criminal before the police (to arrive). The domestic dog had caught the criminal before the law arrived. Cheque

  The sportsmen couldn't play football because the wizard (to create) 22 balls. The sportsmen The sportsmen couldn't play football because the magician (to create) 22 balls. The sportsmen couldn't play football game because the magician had created 22 assurance. Bank check

 After the dog (to learn) to play the piano, he (to begin) to perform in After the dog (to learn) to play the piano, he (to begin) to perform in concerts. After the dog had learnt to play the piano, he began to perform in concerts. Cheque

 After the deer (to pass) the exam and (to get) his driving license, he (to Afterward the deer (to pass) the exam and (to get) his driving license, he (to brainstorm) to work as a taxi driver. After the deer had passed the exam and had got his driving license, he began to piece of work every bit a taxi driver. Check

  When I (to spot) the rabbit, it (to eat) the carrots which it (to When I (to spot) the rabbit, information technology (to eat) the carrots which it (to pick up) in my garden. When I spotted the rabbit, it was eating the carrots which it had picked upward in my garden. Check

  When I (to come) to the farm, the goats (to eat) the grass which When I (to come) to the farm, the goats (to eat) the grass which the farmer (to bring) them from the field. When I came to the farm, the goats were eating the grass which the farmer had brought them from the field. Check

  What Kate (to do) when you (to see) her? What was Kate doing What Kate (to do) when you (to run into) her? What was Kate doing when you saw her? Check

  She (to play) with the shells which she (to collect) on the beach. She She (to play) with the shells which she (to collect) on the beach. She was playing with the shells which she had collected on the beach. Check

  The girls (to play) with the ball while the boys (to windsurf). The girls The girls (to play) with the brawl while the boys (to windsurf). The girls were playing with the ball while the boys were windsurfing. Check

  When Sam (to come) to the beach, the girls already (to play) ball and When Sam (to come) to the embankment, the girls already (to play) ball and (to sunbathe). When Sam came to the beach, the girls had already played ball and were sunbathing. Cheque

 Yesterday I (to go) to the hockey match. But I (cannot) get to the stadium Yesterday I (to go) to the hockey match. Only I (cannot) get to the stadium on time. Yesterday I went to the hockey match. But I couldn't become to the stadium on time. Bank check

 When I (come), the match (to begin) and they (to score) one goal. When I When I (come up), the friction match (to begin) and they (to score) one goal. When I came , the match had begun and they had scored ane goal. Check

  The clever dog (to bring) her master the stick, he (to throw) for her. The clever dog (to bring) her primary the stick, he (to throw) for her. The clever dog brought her master the stick, he had thrown for her. Cheque

  I (to get) a gold fish for my birthday. It looked like the fish I (to go) a gilded fish for my birthday. Information technology looked similar the fish I (to have) in my childhood. I got a gold fish for my altogether. It looked like the fish I had in my childhood. Cheque

  When Tom and Sandy (to arrive), the house already (to sell). When Tom and When Tom and Sandy (to arrive), the house already (to sell). When Tom and Sandy arrived , the house had already been sold. Cheque

  Recourses: www. fastcharacters. com www. clipartpictures. org www. zooclub. ru www. clipartpal. com www. Recourses: www. fastcharacters. com www. clipartpictures. org world wide web. zooclub. ru world wide web. clipartpal. com www. arthursclipart. org www. clipartguide. com www. 123 rf. com www. abdek. com www. gifcell. com www. myorkutglitter. com world wide web. venezuela 07. wordpress. com http: // geology. com/volcanoes/chaiten / www. fg-a. com www. freefoto. com www. fineartamerica. com www. stock-photos-illustrations. com www. openclipart. org